Index 1977 Scrapbook


Open scrapbook to 1977.

Winter Program Guide (January - March)

Spring Program Guide (April - June)

Summer Program Guide (July - September)

Fall Program Guide (October - December)

Holiday Program Guide

Here are some of the early KUAC-TV logos.

In the summer of this year, while I was on vacation, I was told of a report on a police scanner that Pump Station 8 of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline had exploded and burned. I immediately called KUAC to see if anyone there had heard about it. They had not but Myron Tisdel, the TV Program Manager, thought that the McNeil-Lehrer News Hour might be interested in some pictures. It turned out they were so the station chartered a plane to fly him with a 16-mm movie camera down to the site. I grabbed my camera, hurried up to the station where I picked a Nagra tape recorder and off to the airport with Myron. We circled the site several times while Myron filmed, I recorded a description of the site for NPR and took these pictures.


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