News-Miner, March 4
Early aviators. Possibly two of the Wien Brothers. Photo from Nelson's Studio.
Will Rogers and Wiley Post in Fairbanks before continuing on toward Barrow. Photo from Nelson's Studio.
Immaculate Conception church and St. Joseph's Hospital. Photo from Nelson's Studio.
A typical stern wheeler at a dock. Photo from Nelson's Studio.
First annual curling tournament. From the Bunnell collection at UAF.
Crowd on Chena River for the start of a dog derby. From the Girrin Collection at UAF.
Ice skating on the Chena River. From the Bunnell collection at UAF.
Annual fur auction. From Historical Photos at UAF.
Winter carnival stage at night. From the Griffin Collection at UAF.
Miss Alaska and her court in the Winter Carnival parade. From the Griffin Collection at UAF.
Crowd of people on the river bank awaiting the lighting of the annual bonfire during the Winter Carnival. From the Griffin collection at UAF.
Arrival of the Midnight Sun Limited over the Alaska Railroad. From the Historical Photo collection at UAF.
From the Griffin collection at UAF.
Miss Alaska. From the Griffin collection at UAF.
Beard and Costume contest winners. Winter Carnival 1937. Historical Photo from UAF.
Winter Carnival stage and thrones in daylight. From the Griffin album at UAF.
Leonard Seppala with his team. From the Griffin collection at UAF.
Dog Derby on the Chena River. From the Bastress collection at UAF.
Hunters returning with their take. Bunnell collection at UAF.