Index 1972 Scrapbook


Open scrapbook to 1972.

Winter (Jan - Mar) FM Program Guide

Spring (Apr - Jun) Program Guide

Summer (Jul - Sep) Program Guide

Fall (Oct - Dec) Program Guide

During the spring of 1972 Pam Buckway and Jim Schneider worked together to provide updates on the Alaska Dog Mushers Association championship races. Stories were provided not only for KUAC but also to rural stations via the Associated Press wire service. In recognition of this effort the ADMA sent this packet to the station.

In any organization like KUAC, which relied heavily on student announcers to "work the board," communication with the staff could be problematic. Students signed up for Broadcast Operations, a one credit course whose main requirement was work 1 three hour board shift each week (students also had to pass the FCC Third Class Radio Telephone test during their first semester). Since it was difficult to assemble all of the students on a regular basis for meetings due to class schedules information of import was distributed by an in-house publication called, at various times, the Monday Maybe, Tuesday Tardy, Wednesday Weekly and Friday Finally. If there was a Thursday edition ye editor can't recall the name. In anycase, here is a sampling of those news letters from 1972. Please note that although some issues contained a "Sick Joke of the Week" (usually a well contrived pun) those issues are not included here to protect the innocent.

And for nostalgia buffs, here are some pictures of the equipment used in KUAC-FM productions.



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