The crane that ate our tower.
Poor tower.
The crane that ate our tower.
...and it's 40 below.
The crane that ate our tower.
Entrance to the Great Hall before the landscaping was done. In the spring it was a real mud hole.
Probably the first ACO Concert in the new Fine Arts complex. It would be a few more years before the concert hall could be finished so they played in the Great Hall.
Probably the first ACO Concert in the new Fine Arts complex. It would be a few more years before the concert hall could be finished so they played in the Great Hall.
Jim Schneider in the temporary production room during the move.
In Constitution Hall looking from the master control room into the studio. I think that's Roger Stolt sitting at the table.
Temporary on-air control room during the move.
Temporary on-air control room during the move.
Dave Walstad works on wiring up the board in the new facility.
Dave Walstad works on wiring up the board in the new facility.
Dave Walstad works on wiring up the board in the new facility.
Dick Dowling and ? working on the wiring.
What was left after the equipment was removed from the master control room in Constitution Hall.
Another look at the temporary set up during the move.
Another look at the temporary set up during the move.
Looking down the hallway in Constitution Hall. KUAC offices on the right and the on-air facilities on the left.
Another look at the temporary set up during the move.
Another look at the temporary set up during the move.
Phil Richardson helps with the move.
Dave Walstad. "It's much easier carrying this down than it was to carry it up."
Dave Walstad waiting for some kind person to open the door.
Phil Richardson helps with the move.