News-Miner, March 6
News-Miner, March 6
Nanook News, March 5
News-Miner, March 6
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, March 6, 1971.
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, March 6, 1971.
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, March 25, 1971.
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, March 27, 1971.
News-Miner, April 4
News-Miner, April 10
Campus newsletter, April 22
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, April 24, 1971.
ust a few items left in the old KUAC control room in Consitution Hall.
Even Educational Television Service Chief Engineer, Richard Dowling, gets into the act by helping with a minor wiring problem during KUAC's move to it's new location in the U of A Fine Arts Complex.
Phil Richardson, a KUAC announcer, helped to move control room equipment from the station's old campus location in Constitution Hall to the Fine Arts Complex.
KUAC Manager, Sue Pittman, organizes her new office in the U of A Fine Arts Complex.
KUAC Manager, Sue Pittman, organizes her new office in the U of A Fine Arts Complex.
Nanook News, April 30
News release, spring
News Release, mid-May
News-Miner, May 22
News release, undated (possibly summer)
AEBC Newsletter, May/June
Unattributed, early June
Nanook News, June 8
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, June 10, 1971.
Nanook News, June 11, 1971.
Nanook News, June 11, 1971.