Sloppy sketch of KUAC spaces in Constitution Hall.
Jessen's Weekly, February 22
U of A News, February 25
Polar Star, February 25
U of A News, March 15
U of A News, July 12
News-Miner, September 18
Polar Star, October 15
A new major available
Weather sheet for August 4
Sample of program log for August 3
Music schedule for August 8
Charlie Northrip, first radio Manager. The tape machine visible in the background was set up to record the air signal every time the microphone was turned on. This allowed the opportunity to listen to announcers without having to stay up all day and all night (or at least those portions when the station was on the air). It was known by several names, the most polite of which were "sneaky peeky" and "creepy peepy."
Joel Fleming, Program Director during the early part of 1967
Kale Schoenberg (aka Rebel), one of the student announcers, takes meter readings from the original transmitter. Readings were required to be taken every 30 minutes.
This is 1967's Chief Announcer Mike Tinker. This picture was probably taken during the transition period from mono to stereo. The mix console was moved from the on-air control room into what would eventually become the production control room. Mike is facing into the old control room with the studio located behind him.
The "new" stereo transmitter. The transmitter was delivered to the front entrance of the SUB (Student Union Building) and had to be man handled up 2-and-a-half stories to reach it's final location. It's unfortunate that no picture exists of that epic struggle.
Charlie Northrip and Jan Vandemark. That's the old mono mix board in what was then the on-air control room. It tended to get warm in there, thus the air conditioner in the window.
Theda (Sue) Pittman and Jan Vandemark
Jerry Reinwand (left), Head of the Journalism Department, produced "University of Alaska Radio Forum," a 30 minute program aired weekly on KUAC and 11 other radio stations in Alaska. Here he interviews Alaska State Senator John Butrovich.
Walt Pierce, student volunteer.